Wednesday, November 16, 2011

I love my Ginghers!

I have 3 pairs now. Bianca, Tessa and Alicia.
They are such great scissors. I have had Bianca ever since they came out. They are the best scissors and hubby always steals them. I am constantly yelling at him to leave them alone.

This pic is my Mermaid of Atlantis that I haven't worked on in a while. Stitching has gone out the window since I have been pulled from my house to my parents, back and forth. My parents come home next Thursday so life will go back to normal (well as normal as it was before!) so maybe I can get back into stitching!
I'm not even baking!

I've been on the Dukan Diet and I had lost 10kg on it BUT I put back on 3 :(
I was getting so tired and just eating junk food for dinner.
While I'm not strictly on it, I have learnt a lot about eating healthy from the diet.
I am trying to cut down carbs. I use a sugar sub for coffee. I don't eat bread all the time. Maybe once a week. Yes, I still have pasta, potato etc. But in moderation.
I still have desserts etc, but only a little. I am trying to eat more fruit and vegies. Lots of salads which is good now that it's heating up.

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